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Comprehensive advertising campaing for an engineering firm that specializes in photovoltaic electricity installation.

Stand out
Filming and editing
3D and illustration
Greenbox is an engineering firm that specializes in renewable energy production. They hired Stand out to create a series of two videos explaining their company, values, services, and workflows, to be used in their webpage and commercial emails to potential clients.

The delivered product comprised two videos, seven different adaptations of the aforementioned pieces, and a series of illustrations, raw videos, and 3D elements among other digital contents, that allowed for maximum versatility.
The Challenge:
Making engineering visually appealing
Self-produced energy is not only a means to save money. It is a lifestyle.

In this campaign, Stand out focused on conveying the benefits in the energy self-producer's everyday life, especially the costs savings and the joy of fighting climate change.
The final result:
Explaining the inner workings of solar technology
In this video we strived to explain the improvements on the customer's everyday life that come from installing solar panels and other renewable technologies.
The final result:
An inspiring brand presentation
Stand Out created a video that presented Greenbox as an expert, trustworthy service provider.

It successfully boosted the perceived brand value and strengthened the relationship between the brand and its customers and collaborators.

Tell us your dreams

We want to help you achieve your craziest dreams.

Shall we schedule a meeting?

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