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The top 9 biggest trends in design for 2024

A 3D render of a Palm Tree
The way companies communicate changes by the minute. New trends are constantly arising in social media platforms, and designers have to keep up with them.

Today we’ll be discussing some of our informed predictions for 2024, and the trends it will bring.

This article attempts to be a general overview of the future of the design industry as a whole. For this reason, it will cover many disciplines of design, and even some aspects about the industry itself.
• Overall design trends for 2024
• Packaging and product design
• Graphic and motion design
• Interior design
• Conclusion

Overall design trends for 2024

1. Organic materials and shapes

In the midst of the climate change crisis, sustainability is becoming the name of the game. Companies are focusing on lowering their carbon footprint to keep operating under increasingly tight regulations, and customers’ demand for net zero emissions in their products grows by the minute.

For this reason, the environmentally friendly aspect of the products will be highlighted more and more in their communications and sales strategies.

Designers will be expected to convey this characteristic of the companies they’re working for, and organic colors, shapes and typographies will take a lot of presence.
Flora Flora sustainable Packaging
Flora Flora packaging - Design by We Are Nature

2. Design As A Service

Not many companies have an internal communications department, and offsourcing their design is a normal practice for them. In many cases, they may need many images, packages, product designs or social media posts in a single month, with the variability in operating costs this brings.

To solve this problem, a relatively new type of client-studio relationship has seen a rapid mass adoption.

Design subscriptions allow both clients and studios to predict their design spending and revenues every month, while maintaining low cost and economies of scale. We expect to see this type of professional relationship grow significantly, as it has happened in many other industries.

Packaging and product design

1. De-packaging and sustainability

Packaging will become more important in 2024, but not because it will become fancier. In fact, quite the opposite will happen.

Although the ability of the package to protect the product will certainly not be overlooked, companies will focus on keeping the packaging as simple and sustainable as possible. This will mean product designers will have to make an extra effort to make more with less, since aesthetics will still be a fundamental part of a good packaging.
MotherBar Packaging - Design by Nice People
MotherBar Packaging - Design by Nice People

2. Curved ridges and organic shapes

If the previous years were very focused in minimalist design, with straight lines and sober shapes, this 2024 will certainly change.

Products with curved, classical patterns will be the next hot topic in design.

Flower pots and cosmetics products among multiple others are already presenting these wavy ridges in their exterior, resembling Greek and Roman columns.
A great product designed coffee maker
Pompeii Moka Pot - Design by Muhammet Uzuntaş and Simay Tokus

3. New materials and techniques

With the rapid development of 3D printing and CNC milling machines, new artists will be able to create products and molds in a precise and fast manner.

In 2023 we saw some great product launches that were made with 3D printing, such as the Adidas 4DFWD Running Shoes, or the Bene bFriends office accessories.
A 3D Printed desktop organizer, made with recycled materials
bFriends Office Accessories - Design by Bene
Furthermore, the ability to create molds with 3D printing will trigger the appearance of new products made with composite materials. Some examples are concrete, recycled paper compressed and mixed with organic glue, glass fiber, among others.

Only some of these techniques will be fit for mass production. It will be the job of a proficient creative to determine which ones are aesthetically pleasing enough, and can perform its function correctly.
Srisangdao Rice - Design by Pormpt Design
Srisangdao Rice - Design by Prompt Design

Graphic and motion design

1. Surreal environments and brands

With the wide spread of 3D art and Motion Graphics design, artists now can create surreal and fantastic environments from the comfort of their studio.

Designs including CGI plants and other natural elements are a major trend already, and we expect it to continue throughout 2024.
Circus brand by Tavo Studio
Circus - Design by Tavo Studio

2. Skeuomorphism

Skeumorphism is a term used to describe softwares that mimic their real-world counterparts. The recycling bin icon is a clear representation of this UI term.

Originally, it was supposed to be a technique used by developers to make the transition from the real world to the digital domain easier, creating parallelisms between objects that were known by the users, and digital processes that resembled them.

Now, with the massive implementation of 3D technologies in web design, this technique will be used to enhance the viewer experience, creating virtual galleries and 3D representations of the products among others.
Gris Dior - Design by Nextdecade

Interior design

1. Post-modern furniture

This 2023, the use of post-modern furniture has kept on the rise in the best interior designers’ websites.

With a predominance of cylindrical shapes and earth colors, this type of furniture will increment the perceived value of your interiors.
Modern brutalist chair
UMI_armchair - Design by MUDU Studio

2. Plants and nature-filled spaces

As the reader will have noticed by now, organic components and natural elements are a very predominant trend in the design industry overall. These aesthetic tendencies expand beyond a single discipline.

Integration with nature is quickly becoming an indispensable element of interior planning.
A nicely decorated interior with many plants
Retreat Lounge - Design by NK Interior


2024 will be a great year for designers. Demand for aesthetics and effective communication is at an all time high, and us, designers,  just so happen to be the providers of this.

Natural elements and aesthetics will continue to be present in many communicative strategies, since it has quickly become a major concern for the consumer.

However, with new tools appearing by the minute and more resources poured into the industry, we’ll see a wide array of new opportunities never seen before.

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