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10 Best examples of animated ads and why are animated videos so important?

A 3D render of a Palm Tree
Have you ever encountered an animated ad that made you stop scrolling because of how good it was?

Animated videos have a way of explaining stories and capturing audiences that’s unique to them. No other medium can create fantastic scenarios with such ease. That’s why they are a very powerful tool to create viral advertising.

Regardless of the type of commercial video ad needed, there will be a perfect illustration and animation style for you.

We’ve compiled 10 of the best animated commercial videos from innovative and iconic brands such as Microsoft, Heinz, and Google which perfectly showcase the versatility of motion graphics.
• The best 3D animated video ads.
• The best 2D animated video ads.
• Why are animated advertisements videos a great addition to your ads?
• FAQs

The best 3D animated video ads.

3D animation is a wonderful tool to create both realistic and fantastic environments and settings. 

This characteristic provides a degree of creative freedom unmatched by any other technique.

1. Lua Pele x Wonka CGI

This astonishing animation by Wonka CGI illustrates how, with minimal resources — a powerful computer and a highly talented artist — one can achieve Hollywood-quality advertisements at a fraction of the usual cost.

In this video, Wonka CGI begins by showcasing the grandeur of nature with breathtaking shots of magnificent mountains. Gradually, the focus shifts to a small section of the forest where Lua Pele's logo is artfully displayed on the ground.

With a very cinematic transition and some top-tier particle simulations, the cosmetics package is revealed.

Although the ad doesn’t fully explain the functionality of the cosmetic, this motion design piece delivers a wide range of emotions, which the viewer will associate with Lua Pele’s brand, thus creating a very significant brand positioning inside the customers’ minds.
Author's Website:
Wonka CGI

2. Aize x Tendril Studio

At times, engineering firms find themselves immersed in their projects, leaving little room for dedicated attention to advertisements and aesthetic communication.

This is where a partner like Tendril Studio comes in really handy.

Tendril Studio developed a 3D animated explainer that, through beautiful compositions and perfectly timed animations, explains in a very clear manner the inner workings of Aize’s softwares

Using little cubes as a metaphor for bits of data, this explainer perfectly showcases how Aize’s product can help a team of engineers build beautiful constructions in an easy and frictionless way.
Author's Website:
Tendril Studio

3. Wake up your color - Pantone x Janel Lee

Pantone is a highly renowned and prestigious company in the creative industry.

This short ad shows Pantone’s colors bringing to life an old print shop, which looks abandoned due to a lack of creativity.

Without any voiceover or text, Janel Lee perfectly showcases the importance of color in any creative job, and how Pantone’s products assist studios in bringing back and maintaining its creativity.
Author's Website:
Janel Lee

4. Introducing Windows 365 - Microsoft x Tendril Studio

The minimalistic approach to explaining complex concepts, such as the Windows Cloud ecosystem, is a classic style often employed by Microsoft.

With a very futuristic style, carefully crafted sound design and beautiful 3D representations of 2D interfaces, Microsoft consistently produces animated advertisements that are effortlessly watchable, easy to understand and very enjoyable.

This ad made by the Canadian motion design agency Tendril Studio, is the perfect solution to communicate the simplicity, ease of use and elegance inherent in Microsoft’s products.
Author's Website:
Tendril Studio

5. Bitkey x Creative Studio

With some of the best CGI shots and transitions, Creative Studio made an animated advertising video for Bitley to explain how their cryptocurrency holding platform works.

It combines a very wide array of nature related shots with some technological ones, to express the seamless integration of its fintech solution into the everyday life of their customers.

It’s a very well done animated commercial, made by one of the best creative agencies in the fintech sector.
Author's Website:
Creative Studio

The best 2D animated video ads.

2D animation allows for consistent, high quality advertising with a huge degree of creative freedom. 

It can create both stylized and abstract settings, as well as provide the opportunity to animate design elements such as texts, images and backgrounds.

6. Heinz A.I. Ketchup - Heinz

In this animated ad, Heinz asks a generative A.I. to create images of a ketchup bottle.

The artificial intelligence ends up generating a series of images in very different styles but one thing in common: all the bottles suspiciously resemble those made by Heinz.

With the claim “Even A.I. knows that ketchup is Heinz”, the company brilliantly demonstrates their outstanding brand positioning, not only in the minds of their consumers, but also in the artificial minds of computers.
Author's Website:
Rethink Ideas

7. Directory of Illustration x BluBlu Studios

Artists usually have a hard time finding clients for their commissioned work or their artworks. They have to create content, write blog posts and publish new designs constantly if they don’t want to be left behind.

Directory of Illustration offers a platform for artists and clients alike to connect and interchange services, and with this beautifully made animated video ad, BluBlu studios shows the benefits of D.I. ‘s services.

This video hardly needs any explanation. It is visually stunning, and perfectly conveys the message they’re trying to send.
Author's Website:
BluBlu Studios

8. Brand Launch Promo - Fresco x Buff Motion

Fresco develops a series of cooking robots that connect to each other through a mobile app.

In this brand video, Buff Motion had the task of introducing its brand and briefly explaining its value proposition.

With beautiful animations, very fluid transitions, and carefully crafted sound design, Fresco successfully launched its brand in a way that viewers will surely remember.
Author's Website:
Buff Motion

9. Don’t Blink - Apple

This ad made in 2016 by Apple is a true classic in advertising history.

True to the video’s name, Apple’s commercial summarized the 2016 Apple Launch event in one minute and 58 seconds, in a very fast-paced and dynamic way.

This advertisement initiated the trend of kinetic typography animations that became very popular in the following years.
Author's Website:

10. Text It Like You Talk It - Google x Golden Wolf

The way we communicate with our friends and colleagues has evolved far beyond simple texts and calls.

Now, we have stickers, one-time pictures, and audio messages.That’s why Google asked themselves: Is there a way to revolutionize texting?

In this fun animated video by Golden Wolf, Google explains the common problems its users face when texting and introduces a new array of solutions and fun additions implemented in Google Messaging.
Author's Website:
Golden Wolf

Why are animated advertisement videos a great addition to your ads?


Animated ads, with their creative character animations and illustration styles, offer a dynamic visual experience, increasing engagement compared to static or filmed content.


Animated videos are versatile across various online platforms like YouTube, Meta, TikTok and Google Ads. Their adaptability to different screen sizes and formats makes them ideal for diverse and comprehensive digital advertising strategies.


Producing animated commercial videos is often more cost-effective than live-action videos. Animation allows for creative storytelling without the need for expensive sets, actors, or location shoots, making it a budget-friendly option for businesses.

Consistent branding across chanels

Animation allows for consistent branding across various channels, including YouTube advertising and Google Ads. The same animation can be easily adapted for different platforms, maintaining a cohesive brand identity.


What is the recommended length for an animated ad?

The optimal duration for animated ads typically ranges from 15 to 60 seconds. This concise timeframe is chosen to capture and retain viewer attention, effectively convey the marketing message, and maintain engagement. Adhering to this duration ensures that animated ads deliver maximum impact within a short span, especially in the fast-paced world of online advertising.

Can animated ads contribute to viral advertising campaigns?

Absolutely. The creative and visually appealing nature of animated ads makes them well-suited for viral advertising. Engaging storytelling, unique characters, and memorable visuals increase the likelihood of animated ads being shared and gaining traction across social media platforms, contributing to the success of viral marketing campaigns.

How can businesses ensure their animated ads align with their brand identity?

Working with creative agencies specializing in animation ensures that businesses can maintain a consistent brand identity in their animated ads. These agencies understand how to incorporate brand colors, logos, and messaging effectively, ensuring that the animated content aligns seamlessly with the overall brand image.

Do animated ads work well for explaining complex business concepts?

Yes, animated ads are particularly effective for explaining complex business concepts. Whether showcasing intricate technology or detailed services, animation allows for clear and visually engaging explanations. The ability to simplify complex ideas makes animated ads an excellent choice for businesses aiming to communicate their value proposition in a compelling way.

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